Colpac strengthens its support to protect and preserve nature
One year on from its original signing of Business for Nature’s Call to Action, Colpac is proud to be one of over 1,000 companies calling for ambitious and collective action for nature.
This growing list of forward-thinking businesses from around the world has almost doubled over the last 12 months. Every one of these businesses is working together with Business for Nature and calling upon governments worldwide to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.
The Call to Action was launched at the UN Biodiversity Summit in September 2020 and saw businesses come together to lobby political leaders to put nature at the heart of a green recovery and demonstrate the power of business as a force for environmental action.
According to Business for Nature, half of the global GDP is dependent on nature, demonstrating how important it is for the private sector. Companies must therefore transform their business models to thrive within planet boundaries.
Sustainability and environmental awareness are central to Colpac’s practices and values. As a business and as a supplier to the food service and retail industries, Colpac designs and manufactures an extensive range of recyclable and compostable food packaging products that are both functional and sustainable, responding to a wide range of environmental concerns.
Sustainable sourcing and forging strong links with local wildlife and nature organisations and initiatives have played a central role in Colpac’s ambitions to mitigate its impact on nature, whilst meeting customer demand for environmentally friendly packaging.
With over half of the world’s total GDP – $44 trillion of economic value – moderately or highly exposed to risk from the impacts of nature loss, it is impossible to ignore Business for Nature’s overriding message: Nature is Everyone’s Business. Whilst there is still a lot of work to do, the protection, restoration, and sustainable use of natural resources needs to be at the heart of business practices.
You can find out more about the Call to Action and how to join us in pledging your company’s support at
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